Eric Twiname Team Racing
My name is Milla Vinycomb and I took part in the Eric Twiname Team Racing Championships in Oxford or to be more specific Farmoor reservoir. When we arrived in Oxford my team mates and I looked around and saw how busy and chaotic it was and thought wow this is going to be some fun. And indeed it was. To start with we kicked off the day with a nice and early briefing at 8:30am where we were told what was going to happen over the next two days.
After the briefing we scattered off in all different directions going to get changed or going to look for when our first race was. Mine and my team’s first race did not start until 11:00am so we had a little while to talk tactics and scout out our competition. However other teams from the RLymYC were first on the water and ready to race and crush their opponents (which they did). It was slow to get going at the start but after the first few races were under our belt we began to grow momentum and even though there were a few losses here and there from everyone we still recovered and came back stronger.
Over all RLymYC came back home with some amazing results;
Youth: 2nd in bronze fleet over all
Juniors: 2nd in bronze fleet over all
Pre-juniors: 1st , 5th , 9th
Great job to everyone who took part, and thank you to Robin Mecklenburgh who helped make all this happen. Team racing is incredible fun and a great new way to race. We are all keen to do more!
By Milla Vinycomb