As many will be aware, our management structure and way of working has been under review for some time. In January we decided to defer advertising for a CEO until after the AGM on February 4th when the new GC would be elected and be able to play a full part in the selection and appointment process.
The advertisement was placed in mid-March and from thirty-five applicants, nine had telephone interviews with our advisors resulting in five face to face interviews with four members of the GC.
Ten days ago, an offer was made and accepted and I am very pleased to announce that David Brierley, CEO, will start on Monday 15th May.
David has had an extensive commercial and management experience from which the Club will benefit. A sailor from school age, with several channel races to his credit, David and his wife MaryAnne recently delivered a friend’s catamaran from the Caribbean through the Panama Canal to Tahiti.
David’s responsibilities have been extended beyond Kirsty’s GM role such that Flag Officers will be able to step back from the level of day-to-day management they have had for the last few years. The intent being that we stabilise our strategy, organisation and governance by responsibility being taken by a senior full-time position which will benefit staff and Club alike.
As part of the re-organisation Kirsty, who has contributed so much over the past 13 years, will take responsibility for the overall management of Sailing Events, Marketing & PR together with our IT systems.
On behalf of us all I would like to take this opportunity to thank Kirsty for her dedicated and loyal contribution to RLymYC, particularly during this transition period.
The appointment is a step change in our organisation and if anyone has any questions or clarification needed, please do email me at [email protected].
Michael Derrick