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Under 18 Consent Form

2021 Under 18 Consent Form

This consent form must be completed by parents/guardians each year for sailors aged under the age of 18 who are participating in Royal Lymington Yacht Club training, coaching and events.
Please note: If you don't recognise all the computers on your chosen network (for example, you're in a coffee shop or airport, or you have mobile broadband), then this consititues a public network and should not be trusted when submitting the following disclaimer.

If you would prefer you can download a hard copy/printable copy of this year's disclaimer by clicking here which can then be submitted at  the club office.

Adults helping must also complete an Adult Helper Form.

Children's Contact Details

Child's Name:
Date of Birth:

Child's Address:
Child's Member Status:
Which Fleet does your child usually sail with?

In consideration of the acceptance of the above named child, to participate in the junior sailing activities of the Royal Lymington Yacht Club. I agree that I will not for myself or for the above named, hold the Club, its Officers, Members or assistants liable for any injury or damage or loss suffered by the above named, while engaged in Club activities either on Club premises or elsewhere, or activities for which the Club is or may be responsible and I will indemnify the Club, its Officers, Members and assistants against all actions, claims or demands which might arise.

I accept responsibility for his/her conduct while participating in the sailing programme on the Lymington River or adjacent waters and on or around the Club premises. I understand that the decision to allow the above named to participate in any race or training activity is my sole responsibility and I understand that the Racing Rules of Sailing will apply at all racing & training. I declare that the above named can swim 25m unaided. I understand and agree that my child may be photographed or filmed by the Club or its agents and the images used for promotional or training purposes and waive any copyright.

I understand that sailing, in common with all water sports, has its attendant risks. I further understand that the Club is only able to provide rescue facilities during the hours of Club racing/training and that, outside these hours, the Club cannot be expected to exercise supervision or control. I understand that, even during Club activities, the Club cannot accept responsibility for children or any other persons not engaged in racing or training.

RYA Senior Instructors or RYA Coaches do not accept responsibility for any loss, damage or injury suffered by persons and/or their property arising out of or during the course of their activities while training and/or coaching and/or instructing, unless such injury, loss or damage was caused by, or resulted from negligence or deliberate act.
I undertake to ensure that he/she will attend junior sailing activities suitably clothed, with long hair tied back and with a suitable personal floatation device. I accept responsibility for the seaworthiness of his/her boat and for its adequate insurance against third party claims to the sum of at least £2 million.

Medical Information

It is your responsibility to inform the Royal Lymington Yacht Club of any known or potential medical conditions that may affect the above during the activities associated with the training programme or event you are taking part in.  Please therefore provide as many details as possible.  This information will be shared with key organisers and coaches at training and events.

Has the above ever suffered from any of the following conditions?

If you have answered Yes to any of the above, please provide details and specifically how this may impact their sailing and time on the water:
Is the named person currently taking any medication? 
If Yes, please specify below:
Do they have a dietary requirement or food allergies?   

If Yes, please specify below:

Online Submission

By checking the “Accept the Terms and Conditions” box and clicking the “Submit” button on this page, I am declaring that I have disclosed any medical problems that might possibly affect the above named child during the course of the Royal Lymington Yacht Club’s activities and that this information may be stored on the Club’s database.

As the parent/guardian of the above named child I give permission to the organisers to administer any relevant treatment or medication to the above named participant when or if necessary.

In an emergency situation I authorise the organisers to take the child to hospital and give my full permission for any treatment required to be carried out in accordance with the hospital’s diagnosis. I understand that I shall be notified, as soon as possible, of the hospital visit and any treatment given by the hospital."

I also agree to the below;

It must be recognised that sailing is by its nature an unpredictable sport and therefore inherently involves an element of risk. By taking park in the sessions you agree and acknowledge that:
(i) You and your child are aware of the inherent element of risk involved in the sport and you accept responsibility exposing yourself to such inherent risk whilst taking part in the session;
(ii) You and your child will comply at all times with the instructions of the OOD and / or instructors, particularly with regard to handling of boats, wearing of buoyancy aids and the wearing of suitable clothing for the conditions;
(iii) You and your child accept responsibility for any injury, damage or loss to the extent caused by your own negligence;
(iv) You and your child will not participate in the session whilst your ability to skipper or crew a dinghy is impaired by alcohol, drugs or whilst otherwise unfit to participate;
(v) The provision of patrol boat cover is limited to such assistance, as can be practically provided in the circumstances;
(vi) You and your child are aware of any specific risks drawn to your attention by the Open Day OOD / instructor;

(vii) You and your child understand that the Club provides rescue facilities, supervision and control only during the sessions.
(viii) The minimum age for taking part in a training course or WJS is 8 years old.
I undertake to ensure that he/ she will attend the Royal Lymington Yacht Club activities suitably clothed, with long hair tied back.
I declare that the above named is water confident.

You understand that the Club may cancel or postpone the session at any stage in the event of bad weather, equipment failure or otherwise.

There will be no refunds for bespoke lessons. If you can't make a lesson which you have paid for, notice should be given within 7 days when an alternative date may be considered.
You understand that the Club may exclude anyone from a particular session and evict anyone from the premises.
I understand and agree that my child may be photographed or filmed by the Club or its agents and the images used for promotional or training purposes and waive any copyright.

I understand that the Organising Authority will hold and use our personal data for the purpose of the event. Further information can be found in the Club's privacy statement.

Parent's / Guardian Full Name:
Home Tel:
Mobile Tel:
Email Address:

Accept the Terms and Conditions:

 Security code


Child Protection and Safeguarding

Sailing and powerboating should be safe and fun. We are committed to the safeguarding of children and young people, who have the right to feel safe and be treated with respect. 

If you’re feeling unhappy, worried, unsafe or concerned about the way another young person or an adult is treating you or someone else, there are people you can contact who offer free confidential advice to you or your parents/carers. See our safe and fun poster for more information or contact our Child Welfare Contact, Vicky Lean on

Please click here to view Royal Lymington Yacht Club's Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy.

For up to date information about the RYA Child Protection and Safeguarding policy, please click here.